Hello World 🙂

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Shout out to me for kicking fear in the ass!!! I can honestly tell ya’ll that she has been winning the fight for many, many years, but todayyyyyy!! She can go tell somebody else to do it. Welcome to GYL Ladies, the beginning of something great. A new beginning for us to have a space to share positivity, transformation, healing, and a damn good laugh! This is a space that allows you and me to be teachable and learn.

Growth is something that we indulge in our entire lives, and if you aren’t… Come on in this room so that WE—as a collective—could assist you in digging that confidence for change out of your left pocket!!

Have you ever been in a place of complacency? Yeah, we all have, but… this isn’t a place that we should allow ourselves to be stuck in. It’s not fair to our lineage and, most of all, YOU! We all have gifts that we are born with; it’s our job to dig deep and become clear and creative in finding them!

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2 responses to “Hello World :)”

  1. Jovan Trueheart Avatar
    Jovan Trueheart

    I am very excited to join this movement I have been stuck in complacency for years now and I am ready to step out of my shell and take ownership of my life I know this journey won’t be easy but I am more than ready to take on this task to start my new beginning 🥰

    1. Rennel Avatar

      Thanks for TAPPING in!! We have so much in store for you! 🙂