Category: Uncategorized
How to Listen to Your Body & Honor Its Needs
Hey girl, Heyyyyyy!! Just like we check the people… we need to check ourselves and, most importantly, check our bodies. Sometimes we have an abundance of stress and anxiety that is built up that slowly turns into elements. Now we’re on blood pressure medication, migraine meds, and mental health meds, and even gaining a few… Read more
Let’s chop it up about stereotypes and barriers!!
So, as Black women, we have faced many barriers in our lifetime. So many barriers that it has somewhat been normalized. Society has also put us in a box full of beauty standards, so that’s another thing that we are carrying. As mature women, we are still growing and cultivating our growth mindset!! Because if… Read more
Let’s chat about vaginal health
Hey girl, heyyyyy!! So, I’ve been heavy on the probiotics and vaginal health kick! Upon seeing so many women creating vitamin routines based on keeping “HER” juicy, squeaky clean, and healthy. During my research on why this is a thing that is trending heavily, I came to understand that vaginal health impacts a woman’s overall… Read more
Self- Love & Personal growth
How to Prioritize Yourself Without Guilt… Let’s chat about self-love & personal growth! I’m talking beyond the kids, beyond our partners, and definitely beyond that job. Ladies, we work too damn hard sometimes, and often we forget about us! Some of us look cute as a pickle on the outside and feel sour like one… Read more
Hello World 🙂
Shout out to me for kicking fear in the ass!!! I can honestly tell ya’ll that she has been winning the fight for many, many years, but todayyyyyy!! She can go tell somebody else to do it. Welcome to GYL Ladies, the beginning of something great. A new beginning for us to have a space… Read more