How to Prioritize Yourself Without Guilt…
Let’s chat about self-love & personal growth! I’m talking beyond the kids, beyond our partners, and definitely beyond that job. Ladies, we work too damn hard sometimes, and often we forget about us! Some of us look cute as a pickle on the outside and feel sour like one on the inside! So… What can we do to incorporate this self-love and growth? Start by formulating a list of things that you can do to make yourself happy. Create a list of things that you could educate yourself on! You’d be surprised at what this list could do for your life and overall health. Happiness reduces stress!!! Have you ever heard of the term “weathering” coined by Arline T. Geronimus? Weathering is the process of being worn down by repeated exposure to stressors. As Black women, we encounter an enormous amount of stress from work, society, education, and sometimes in our own home. I super double dog dare you to mitigate the process of weathering in your life by creating a list and finding that self-love & personal growth that you have beyond that beautiful shell of yours!!
Choose you and GYL!!
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